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Outbound Lead Generation For B2B SaaS Using Apollo: Finding The Right Leads

Discover how to find the right leads for your B2B SaaS using the award-winning platform

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Your B2B SaaS Is Great, But How In The Hell Do You Market It?

One of the ways to market your B2B SaaS effectively is using outbound lead generation. The best tool to do so, is It's a cost-effecctive, all-in-one sales platform that has won multiple awards.

In this video, marketing consultant Florian, explains step-by-step how to do the most important part of lead generation: Finding the right leads.

Underutilized B2B SaaS Marketing Channel: Cold Email

The sales teams of Fortune 500 companies, such as Oracle, Amazon and Google are no strangers to using cold email for demand generation. However, most small- to medium-sized SaaS business, still shy away from the lucrative marketing channel that is cold email. Why?

The explanation for this is often the fear of selling in general. "I don't want to disturb people by sending cold emails!".

The reality is the following: If you have a good product, you're doing your ideal buyers a disservice by not reaching out to them.

Will you disturb some people? Of course! That's just the nature of sales and marketing. I bet some people will get annoyed by your Facebook or Google ads as well, right?

The sales expert already knows that the goal is not to avoid interruption. The goal should be to avoid irrelevance.

Do You Want To Scale Your B2B SaaS Using Outbound Lead Generation?

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